I have been analysing the facial expression and movement of the face for almost 10 years.  There are 57 muscles in your face: some superficial muscles, some deeper and some overlap, making it more difficult to get the right impact unless you use very precise exercises. Let’s read on to find out the effects of ageing, in particularly with our face.

I have identified the muscles that are responsible for certain ageing signs and how to reverse them. The objective is to improve and reverse the ageing process up to 10 years depending on your age. 

Most people experience facial ageing in 4 key areas: around the eyes, the forehead, mouth and chin.

The 4 key areas that are affected by facial ageing?

  • Laughter lines: The first sign of ageing is sagging around the cheek area, this will automatically show as the laugh-lines start to show. This includes Lavator Labii Superioris, Zygomaticus Minor and Major, Risorius and Caninus. The solution is consistent facial exercises that target the ‘core facial muscles’ from inside and outside the cheeks
  • Forehead wrinkles: The over-use of the Frontalis as a facial expression shows the starting of the forehead wrinkles. I teach easy tips to avoid this in a natural way
  • Sagging jowls: This is the Risorius, Buccinator, Depressor Anguli Oris and Masseter losing their tone and this will show on the face as sagging jowls
  • Double chin and turkey neck is the consequence of the overall lack of facial tone

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