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Timeless Ageing


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Ageing is an attitude towards life, how many times we have met someone that is so young in the outside but old in the inside or the reverse? Looking forward to exciting trips or working on interesting projects motivates us to look forward. So, ageing is the same, we want to be happy to reach our 50’s having achieved the well being we personally set as goal at that age.

Timeless ageing is about being yourself, keeping your own identity forever. We want to look at ourselves in the mirror and see the face gently ageing gracefully; the skin glowing and looking healthy as time goes by without any major wrinkles appearing before its time.

Timeless Ageing


Return to What Are The Benefits Of Facial Fitness?

It is important to understand that we will see signs of ageing, but these signs become so much softer when we do exercises and our cheeks are fuller without a saggy neck. We can keep the definition of the face even at 70! The faces have a structure like no other workout with wide open eyelids, fuller cheeks, defined jaw lines and long necks.

My goal is to help clients to feel so much better about their faces as they progress with me in class. Their faces look younger and I can see the spark in their eyes after a few weeks, so happy the are learning a skill to feel better from the inside out.

In my classes I also give tips about how to avoid unnecessary expression in the faces which may end up with wrinkles over time.I share my love for healthy food and tips on how to be creative in your cooking like making your own kefir or sprouting lentils for your salads.I also provide tips on the beauty treatments which I believe work very well and exercises types I think my clients will benefit from e.g. Gyrotonics, which not many people have heard above, is a movement method, essential for a healthy spine.

Timeless Ageing


Return to What Are The Benefits Of Facial Fitness?

  • Diet should adapt with your age; we cannot expect to have the same diet at 10 years old than 50 year olds. If we do, we will not be able to keep a healthy weight, mind and body
  • Exercise type as we get older needs to include weight bearing and gentle impact to avoid osteoporosis. Together with cardio to make sure our heart and blood is healthy. I strongly recommend not to do longer than 15 minutes high impact workouts as they join can suffer and easily end up with an injury
  • Beauty regime needs to change as our skin does over time. It is important to seek advice of the best doctors and beauticians. I believe in active and organic ingredients in the products I use
  • It is never too late to learn and make a lifestyle change, always look forward and keep motivated
  • Consistency and frequency of everything is important to get a holistic effect and maximum impact

Timeless Ageing


Return to What Are The Benefits Of Facial Fitness?

At 40, the area that needs more work are the cheeks, they need to become fuller to improve the lines next to the lips. The Lavatori Labii Superoris and Cannius are our primary muscle movers here.

A simple exercise is to lift the top lip slowly, then pulse and hold and slowly release the muscles to a relaxed position. While doing the exercises, avoid lifting the corner of the mouth towards the temples. Repeat the exercises 2 times every day.

At 50, every client that comes to the studio points out the sagging jowls, that is because all of our muscles around the chin are never used. We need to exercise the Risorius together with Depressor Anguli Oris and Masseter.

A simple exercise is to drop the corner of the mouth progressively, pulse them, hold and slowly come back to the starting position. Repeat the exercises 2 times every day.

It is never too late to start exercising and moving your muscles in the face and the body. The point is to start and just look forward. All my clients feel so much better after starting the classes and learning the exercises.

The benefit of facial fitness is at any age, whether you are 20 or 40 or 50. Everyone feels better after doing them and the skin glows. In my experience, the quickest results are clients over 50, just because their faces have never been work out so the improvement is obvious and visible within 6 weeks, they go back to looking 10 years longer.  But if you start earlier – your face will age gracefully and you will not look 50 when you get there!

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