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My Weekly Fitness Routine – Variety is Essential for Mind and Body

As you know fitness from Face to Body is an essential part of my life. This journey started in my teens and continues to evolve as I get older. In my mid 40’s, my internal metabolism is changing, therefore the intensity and frequency of my workouts needs to increase. This tends to be the opposite to what the majority of people do.

Every day I try to fit in at least a 45min body work out and a 15min Facial Fitness session. The workouts vary between moderate or intense work outs.  I try to do at least 4 days of 45min cardio to control my weight and 3 days of 1-hour weight bearing exercises to maintain my muscle volume and toning.

My Work Out Tips

Working out should be fun and varied!

If your muscles are always doing the same work outs, then there will be no progress. As we get older we need 3 things: cardio, mobility and strength.

  • Pilates is the key to avoid injuries, keep your body in check, increase mobility and keep your body very strong from the core out.
  • HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is very effective at burning calories, as my body keeps on burning them for the next 24-hours after each workout.
  • Spinning is fun and intense – I just love it.
  • Gyrotonics is essential for keeping my spine moving in all 4 dimensions.
  • Zumba is my optimum moment of happiness. I am free and my brain needs to work in conjunction with my body to follow the classes.

8 Reasons why I recommend a daily workout

  1. Weight control
  2. Boost happiness levels and overall mood
  3. Reduce your risk of heart disease
  4. Get an energy boost
  5. Increase self-confidence
  6. Helps prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, a number different types of cancer, arthritis and falls.
  7. Sleep better.  Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep.
  8. Prevent Cognitive Decline. It’s unpleasant, but it’s true — as we get older, our brains get a little… hazy. As ageing and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s kill off brain cells, the noggin actually shrinks, losing many important brain functions in the process. While exercise and a healthy diet can’t “cure” Alzheimer’s, they can help shore up the brain against cognitive decline that begins after age 45.


  • Facial Fitness
  • Wellbeing


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