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We are what we eat Part 2

Welcome back. Balancing your diet is key!

Now, how have you been coping with last weeks tips? I hope they have helped one way or the other! It is key to form these new methods into habits. Otherwise, without motivation it is easy to fall out of track and you find yourself starting from zero again. Moving on to my tips on a healthier diet!

In regards to eating, supplements and caffeine…

  • Caffeine …well, as anything I do I try to avoid addiction in my life and as we all know coffee is addictive. We all have it. But a good home makes turmeric latte (refer to my blog) or a maca will boost you up the same way.
  • I don’t recommend supplements; I think you should have all the nutrients through your meals. Supplements are processed and they may bring risks which we should consider. I only believe in supplements that a doctor recommends because of low vitamin D, etc.
  • Try to avoid eating fruit straight after a meal.
  • In terms of recipes, you can refer to my blog, I try to cook quick and simple recipes, these can be very interesting and dynamic, so we don’t get bored. But be smart, reduce the gluten and dairy as you get older as you will automatically feel lighter.
  • Like me, I recommend you start your day with a glass of Kefir. This will help balance your gut for the rest of the day.
  • Of course you can fall out of track one day and just go for it, we all have at some point! My rule is …. and I do strongly believe everyone should stick to it … if one day you eat more than you should, have a very light breakfast and meal in the next 24 hours. You will see and feel how it all balances out.

It is crucial to realise the importance behind a healthy and balanced diet. The balance between body and mind will aid you not only during your exercise sessions, though during your everyday life as well.



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