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Facial Fitness – A Natural Alternative to Botox and other Invasive Treatments


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Facial Fitness has always been perceived as an alternative but never as a complement to invasive treatment like Botox, fillers or surgery. My view is that regardless of whether we decide to opt for invasive treatment at some point, we have muscles on our face. We therefore can and should exercise them like we do with any other part of our body.I teach Facial Fitness because it offers an organic and gradual change of our face, completely free of chemicals and does not change the essence of who we are. When you exercise your facial muscles regularly, slows down the ageing process organically without any invasive treatment. You take control and it becomes your own skill. It addresses the core issue of muscles being underutilised, resulting in obvious facial ageing.

Facial Fitness – A Natural Alternative to Botox and other Invasive Treatments


Return to Why Pilates Works So Well On The Face

Yes, you can exercise your face. As I said in the beginning, even if someone decides to invest in invasive treatments, you can still exercise the muscles of the face regardless of.The point is that exercising your face needs to be treated the same way you would do for your body. If someone is looking for a quick result which invasive treatments delivers, they still need to keep it up with exercises. In the long term, the organic and active work out will help to maintain the face for longer.

  • With plastic surgery, you can even improve the outcome of your invasive treatment like a facelift by doing Facial Fitness.  This is best done before and after treatment.  Before helps prepare and strengthen your muscles, after helps your face maintain the visual effects of the surgery
  • Botox is slightly different, while the Botox is active, we cannot exercise that area as it freezes the muscles, but other areas is possible
  • Fillers are perfectly fine even if we decide to work out our faces as the muscles are not affected by the treatment. I believe it would benefit as the muscle underneath is toned and can hold the filler tighter
  • Laser and peelings work on the superficial layer of
    the skin, so working out the facial muscles can be
    done regardless of

Facial Fitness – A Natural Alternative to Botox and other Invasive Treatments


Return to Why Pilates Works So Well On The Face

It is true that Botox and Fillers are popular treatments that deliver quick results for a short period. However, so many ladies are using this to prevent ageing and they start as young as in their 20’s. Many don’t realise the following:

  • Facial changes after a few sessions. The face we identify ourselves with goes through a transformation.You become someone else or better said:You look like everyone else who is going through the same treatments
  • The health risk. We need to question whether the body absorbed all these chemicals and it keeps them. Could they bring illnesses in your body such as cancer? We don’t know for certain the long term effects of using these treatments but we should be aware of the risks. Over the years, we have had habits like smoking and eating fast food but only recently we know how terrible it is for our bodies


Facial exercises can bring to your face the following benefits beyond Botox and Fillers:

  • Improve the muscle tone, the skin attached to it then gently stretches. These brings a gentle face lift
  • Through the process of learning facial exercises, you become more aware of your facial expressions and learn to tone them down. I call this “Natural Botox”
  • The final result is a better skin. The texture is better and superficial wrinkles may end up softening and even disappearing
  • Then by working out the muscles, we increase gently the volume and create what I call ‘Natural Fillers’
  • The face massage I introduce at the end of each workout can improve the muscle oxygenation and relax the facial expression

Facial Fitness – A Natural Alternative to Botox and other Invasive Treatments


Return to Why Pilates Works So Well On The Face

As with the body, if we only do Yoga or massage we don’t really tone our muscles the maximum possible. We all know that as we age, we should combine stretching with strengthening and massages to achieve a healthy and strong body. So for the face it is the same. As we get older, we see our face losing volume and toning. Pilates exercises on the face using isometric and isotonic movements will aid to reverse this.The combination of these three pillars are key to obtain the best results for our musculature. In only 8 weeks we can take 10 years of your face or rehabilitate your muscles after an illness.