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My holistic philosophy – Fitness and Beauty


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I embrace ageing as an exciting journey where we should continually learn, practice fitness and cherish our soul. Ultimately we aim for our wellbeing, a feeling of being content and satisfied with ourselves.

However, for me well being is dynamic. A body and mind stage that changes over time. There are two key variables: firstly, each individual and secondly the stage of life you are in.

We all have a perception of who we want to be and what we aim to achieve, but that is relevant only based on what you have achieved at each particular moment in time. By this, I mean that we can find the balance in life if at any time we reflect and we are satisfied with who we are and what we have achieved.

My holistic philosophy – Fitness and Beauty


Return to Carme Farre's Routines For Fitness, Food And Beauty

I strive for a balanced and thoughtful diet. Food is an essential part of who I am; ‘I am what I eat’. My view on diet is 80% healthy and 20% indulgence. For that reason, I like to post and publish blogs on food, as it is essential to feel well and age gracefully.I prefer my main meals to be breakfast and lunch, then a light dinner with some snacks in between during the day.

  • I start my day with a glass of Kefir to balance my gut. This is followed up with either organic porridge, millet or granola made with almond or oat milk. I then add seeds which include chia, sesame, flax, pumpkin, sunflower seeds
  • Finally, I add seasonable fruit to the mix. This provides my body with a slow release of energy to last until my late lunch, if I workout in the morning
  • As a mid-morning snack, I will have a turmeric latte with some fruit.
  • For lunch, it will either be grilled fish or chicken
  • I include vegetables or legumes and a fresh juice with lunch
  • My 4pm snack may include either nuts, dried fruits or energy balls I make at home
  • In general, I like to have a light dinner as it suits my body, I sleep better. So, my dinner will be homemade soup, vegetable rich or a quinoa salad with seasonable ingredients

Tips for a good diet

  • Try to have a small food cupboard at home with no process food and very little canned food
  • Buy seasonable ingredients to cook at home, they are fresh and have more nutrients
  • Vary your diet – check out my Instagram feed @studiocarme for certain recipe ideas
  • It is absolutely essential to have a healthy breakfast, eliminate any processed cereals from your cupboard
  • It is normal for weight to fluctuate depending on the season, your clothes become tighter…
  • Don’t buy anything until you fit back into to your old clothes

My holistic philosophy – Fitness and Beauty


Return to Carme Farre's Routines For Fitness, Food And Beauty

I try to exercise daily, however the intensity changes. As I get older I feel much fitter than in my 30’s and the reason is varying workouts. The same principle applies with your body, which needs different nutrients! Apart from my daily Facial Fitness workout and Pilates as a base, I have a weekly schedule for other workouts which include 2 days Zumba, 1 day Spinning, 1 day HITT, 1 day Gyrotonics. Tips to keep fit:

  • Exercise your body daily for only 30 minutes. Totally makes the difference!
  • Become ‘addicted to exercising’, so if you skip a workout, you will feel like something is missing
  • When you travel, find the time to exercise, it can be in the hotel room or outside but make the time (refer to my working out during holiday blog)
  • Getting older is great but it is essential to expand your exercise routines. Your body needs more resistance training as your muscles lose their tone and volume quicker
  • Try to walk everywhere and if you have less time, cycle. I started to cycle everywhere I go. This makes visiting a city more interesting avoiding traffic

My holistic philosophy – Fitness and Beauty


Return to Carme Farre's Routines For Fitness, Food And Beauty

My Facial Fitness training is a 8 weeks program which takes the client to the best their facial muscles can be. The goal is to learn short routines to combine during the week that will take only 15 minutes.When you start my program, you only need 15 minutes a day and as we progress, it increases to 25 minutes during the 8 weeks training only. The key to success is:

  • Before you start the facial workout, wash your face with a gentle soap
  • Depending on your life, set a regular time you will do the exercises either in the morning, afternoon or evening
  • Have a pleasant place at home to sit down with a mirror as you learn the exercises
  • Use a nice oil for the massage
  • After the facial exercises, apply moisturiser, you will be glowing!

Tips to stay motivated:

  • Facial Fitness needs to become a habit, something you do regularly, such as brushing your teeth or hair. We don’t think why we need to do these daily routines and how because we learn them as kids
  • Most of my clients are older and they see the necessity to learn the exercise at an age which is normally 40 plus. It is difficult to introduce a new habit, therefore I try to encourage them in the beginning to set a regular time in their schedule whilst they are learning the exercises. The regularity brings very quick results and moulds into their routines. The results will be motivating
  • Motivation is a mind and body connection, The vital factor is believing that you can make the change
  • Set physical goals you want to achieve such as improving your jawline
  • Try to organise your schedule and set a time for your facial exercises, make sure you stick to it, but be realistic. At least 3 days a week is better than nothing
  • Take photos at the beginning of the classes and after 8 weeks to see the change

View before and after photos 

My holistic philosophy – Fitness and Beauty


Return to Carme Farre's Routines For Fitness, Food And Beauty

As I get closer to my 50’s, my essential beauty routine needs to change in order to achieve anti-ageing benefits as the skin loses collagen and needs more moisturising. Key parts of the puzzle:

  • Facial Fitness, to work my underlying muscles
  • Followed by an unique tailored cream as my skin may need more hydration depending on the weather conditions
  • Lastly I have regular facials massages such Kobido, which work the lymphatic system
  • Skincare is essential, as you age your skin needs change – make sure you are using the correct skincare routine for your skin